‘I came across a magazine with an inscription that said, “A civilization flourishes when men plant trees under which they themselves never sit.” But it’s not only plants – putting something in somebody’s life, a young person’s life, is the same as planting a tree that you will not cut and sell. That has helped me a lot in my work. Sometimes the more you give, the more you get. That’s why I’m still going at 90!’
The James Barnor Foundation is a UK-registered charity that was set up by James in order to achieve various charitable aims that are close to his heart.
These aims include education and training, promoting and advocating for the preservation of African cultures, and highlighting African cultural talents.
In 2022, the James Barnor Foundation launched its seminal initiative, a prize aiming to promote established photographers from the continent. The first edition of the prize, focused on West African talent, was won by transdisciplinary artist Sènami Donoumassou.
The long term intention of the Foundation is to channel James Barnor’s legacy into making education and training more accessible, and to support the visibility of African heritages and cultures.

Kwame Nkrumah greeting the Duchess of Kent during the independence celebrations, Accra Stadium, March 1957

Sick-Hagemeyer shop assistant, c. 1970

Miss Bruce portrayed in her new hairstyle after finishing school, Ever Young Studio, c. 1956